Monday, November 16, 2020

departing missionaries

 Departing missionaries. Seventeen missionaries  departed from our mission to their families after their full time service in Ghana Cape Coast Mission. We truly  appreciate their hard work and dedication to the Lord's work. We will miss them dearly. The Lord is indeed hastening his work in the part of the world.

The Nigeria group with President and Sister Morrison.

Travel orientation at the mission home with sister Sorensen. 

Farewell Dinner at the mission home.

Party time.

Sisters Jalloh and Tchongwe enjoying Fufu and palm nut soup a local delicacy in Ghana.

Dinner time at the mission home with the  Archibald's and Sorensen's 

Elder and Sister Sorensen we love you . You were truly an assets our mission in giving your best as  served our Heavenly Father's children in Ghana Cape mission. With all the voices in the entire mission we say Ayekoo!!!. May Heavenly Father continue to support and Protect you  till we meet again , bye!

Elders waiting to be served their fufu and palm nut soup. 

Outgoing Ap's with President Morrison

Elders Imende and Igberi with President and sister Morrison

Weighing of bags at the mission home.

Travelling to Accra at dawn 

Elders Effiong and Moyce.

Sisters Jalloh and  Tchongwe  with their mission mother.

Nigeria Group

The multi national group.

Elders Conteh, Teah, Castillo, and Sister Jalloh with President and his wife.

Outgoing Ap's with President and Sister Morrison 

Seventeen missionaries with President and sister Morrison 

God be with you all till me meet again.

Bye, we love You all !!!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

 The Akwaaba  picture with our eight brand new missionaries at the Ghana Cape Coast  mission home with President and Sister Morrison. We are excited to receive these vibrant missionaries who are full of light, and ready to give their best. We love them and are very grateful to welcome them into our mission. 


This is an amazing historic site in our mission boundary where the first baptism in place took place. There is always a special feeling visiting this place with our new missionaries on tour. 

President Morrison explaining the history of the church in Ghana as its began in Cape Coast during a tour at the baptismal beach.    

A tour to another historic site at University of Cape Coast. History has it that, this is the very place an Apostle of the Lord stood to dedicate the land of Ghana for the propagating of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.   

A caption with Brother James Ewudzi during  the tour. This  amazing brother  was the fourth person to be baptized at the baptismal beach in Cape Coast, in 1978.  

Akwaaba dinner at the mission home.

Training session with our MLC.

Picture new MLC members

Lunch Time during MLC

MLC members. 

Mission recitations during MLC meeting.

Trainers and their companions after training at Ola chapel.

Sister Lawel and Togbale 

Elders Harding and Yirenkyi

Sisters Anyango and Agbatornu

Elders Opinsah and Mensah

Sisters Owusu and Ofori

Elders Asuquo and Donkor

Elders Mensah and Kumatazie

 Mission Activities in the last four weeks. After Yamoransa Stake Conference. Elders Foh, Qiube,Otto and Sesay at Stake Conference in Mankes...